Luke Phillips

Luke Phillips

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73 Wood Street Mackay QLD 4740
Mackay QLD 4740

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Luke Phillips


Gardian Insurance Services

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Luke has more than 15 years in the insurance industry specialising in commercial and corporate insurance services and in 2006, established Gardian Insurance Broking. Luke and his team are experienced, hands-on commercial insurance brokers and clients enjoy being able to pick up the phone to personally discuss issues them. Luke's personal understanding his clients business puts him clearly in their corner. Gardian Insurance Brokers is the region's only 100% locally owned and operated licensed general insurance firms and the entire Gardian team work hard to deliver a personalised, professional service to clients.
Luke has more than 15 years in the insurance industry specialising in commercial and corporate insurance services and in 2006, established Gardian Insurance Broking. Luke and his team are experienced, hands-on commercial insurance brokers and clients enjoy being able to pick up the phone to personally discuss issues them. Luke's personal understanding his clients business puts him clearly in their corner. Gardian Insurance Brokers is the region's only 100% locally owned and operated licensed general insurance firms and the entire Gardian team work hard to deliver a personalised, professional service to clients.
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